Greetings...I am the PSYCHO GIRLŽ. (known as SpikeŽ to my close pals!) I'm usually found in the psycho ward at the local hospital,but occasionally I escape,so always LOCK your doors!!! I'm also found in mIRC and ICQ. If you see me,say hello,but be warned,I WILL throw cow chips (or cow pies,rat pee,goat barf..etc.) at you when you enter the room. Nothing personal,just my special psycho way of saying hello! In case you don't know me,I am 21 years old. I live in Royal Palm Beach. Which is in southern Florida. Wanna see a pic of me? Click Here! My likes are:chatting,watching movies/Tv,playing video games,throwing cow chips at people,sniffing armpits,collecting bellybutton lint,and Oh,wait,why am I telling YOU this?? None of your business!!! Well,making this page takes up my valuable chatting time,so if you don't like it,TOO BAD! *LOL*I have made many freinds in HCU,and other places. YES I DO have friends! Don't look so shocked! I did have a list of em on here,but was constantly getting hassled for not having enough names here,so I decided to make a friend page! CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT If your name is not found on that list,don't get all upset,because I rarely ever update that page!